Note: It is the participant's responsibility to confirm with selected self-help that verification is available for program credit prior to attending.
Note: It is the participant's responsibility to confirm with selected AA that verification is available for program credit prior to attending.

Program participants shall complete self-help meetings or alternatively, personal growth and development activities in the event that non-sectarian groups are not accessible or available to the participants according to specific program requirements, as stated in 9 CCR section 9860(c)(2)(B).
The following “personal growth and development” activities are acceptable for the additional “self-help” requirement, as long as the event occurs after the Participant’s enrollment in DUI Program.
• Psychotherapy focused on substance use obtained elsewhere;
• Wellness or life coaching obtained elsewhere;
• Attendance to health fairs or health promotion events emphasizing the effects of alcohol/drugs and alternatives to use;
• Attendance to college or continuing education workshops on the topic of alcohol and/or drug use; and
• A limited number of relevant activities approved by the County in advance on a case by-case basis.
Contact the County for each case to establish eligibility for this category.
The County may increase the number of hours of additional County requirements an individual Participant is required to complete if said Participant is reinstated following dismissal from a DUI Program. Each time the Participant is reinstated, the number of hours of additional County requirements may be increased by one (1) hour per week for the remainder of the time the Participant is enrolled in a DUI Program, as long as the Participant is not required to complete a total of more than five (5) hours of additional County requirements per week.